School of Social Sciences
Grace Swanberg
Major(s): Economics
Minor(s): Accounting
Hometown: Modesto, CA
* Made with Love at UCI
* Cosmetic Chemist Society at UCI
* Jewelry making + sewing
Why do you love UCI?
I love UCI’s campus community and how involved the student community is. When I first came here, I was really nervous because I had never experienced a college campus with so many people. But UCI’s Anteater Involvement Fair was a way for me to get used to the large student population while discovering different clubs and extracurricular activities. It was a way for me to learn about what UCI had to offer and how I could become involved. The campus community definitely made me feel welcomed and not alone!
How can you be a successful Anteater?
I think to be a successful Anteater, you have to decide what success looks like for you. Everyone has a different definition, idea, and perspective of what it means to be “successful”. What you consider to be “successful” might be different to what someone else defines as successful. To me, being a successful Anteater is being proud of yourself and what you’ve accomplished being here at UCI. Knowing that you’ve put in the work and effort in class, extracurricular activities, in self-care, and in yourself, it’s a rewarding feeling!
What is one fun fact about yourself?
A fun fact about myself is that I’ve been growing out my hair since middle school! I’ve had long hair down to my waist for about 4 years and I have not cut it short yet, so I actually don’t know what I look like with short hair.