School of Social Sciences

Meet the School of Social Sciences peers and learn about the different issues concerning society, the economy, and politics that affect humans worldwide. Visit the peers to learn more about the different majors, minors, and opportunities for you to gain experience and better our communities!

Bella Eclevia

Major(s): Psychology
Minor(s): Medical Anthropology
Hometown: Las Vegas, NV

* Speech Communication Lab (2023 – Present)
* Teddy Bear Hospital USA (2023 – Present)
* Student Parent Orientation Program (2022 – 2024)

Why do you love UCI?

I love UCI, because it fosters an abundance of opportunities which enables students to discover and pursue new passions. Given my time here, I feel like I’ve been able to grow personally, socially, academically, and professionally. UCI has also introduced me to *so* many incredible individuals in my life, and it seems like every quarter I continue to meet more remarkable people. I am beyond grateful to say that I have found a home within UCI’s community!

How can you be a successful Anteater?

This gets thrown around a lot (but hey, repetition is key): Get comfortable with the uncomfortable. That was the first thing I was told upon entering UCI, and I’ve never realized how transformative it was. By stepping out of your comfort zone to embrace and accept challenges, you are opening yourself up to endless opportunities. You don’t lose anything from trying, and if anything, you will always gain experience from it. Remember, it’s only scary, because it is unfamiliar—NOT because you’re incapable!

What is one fun fact about yourself?

A fun fact about me is I have an obsession with collecting perfumes! I love discovering new/obscure mixtures and seeing how it will react with my skin chemistry. My current favorite is called “Book of Shadows” which contains notes of old leather-bound books, paper, and pen ink.