School of Social Sciences

Meet the School of Social Sciences peers and learn about the different issues concerning society, the economy, and politics that affect humans worldwide. Visit the peers to learn more about the different majors, minors, and opportunities for you to gain experience and better our communities!

Sarah Pérez Muñoz

★ Lead Peer Academic Advisor

Major(s): Political Science; Chicano/Latino Studies
Minor(s): Spanish
Hometown: Norwalk, CA

* Phi Lambda Rho (2021-Present)
* Former U.S. House of Representatives Intern
* Plant Mom!

Why do you love UCI?

I love UCI because of the community and environment it provides me with. I have met lifelong friends and have encountered culturally empowering and affirming spaces. Likewise, the tranquility and beauty of Aldrich Park helps every student get through stressful academic seasons.

How can you be a successful Anteater?

PLAN! Enjoy your present while planning ahead (both academically and personally) can help you become a successful Anteater that reaches their goals!

What is one fun fact about yourself?

Fun fact about myself is I am team Edward!