School of Social Ecology
Shane Prasad
Major(s): Psychological Science
Minor(s): Urban Studies
Hometown: Sacramento, CA
* Barista (March 2023 – Present)
* Research Assistant at UCI School of Medicine (September 2023 – Present)
* Peer Educator at UCI Counseling Center (September 2023 – Present)
Why do you love UCI?
I absolutely love UC Irvine for many reasons. There are so many opportunities if you are willing to take the initiative, the weather is almost always beautiful, and I have met some of my closest friends here. 🙂
How can you be a successful Anteater?
To be a successful Anteater, it is very important to get involved in extra-curricular activities that fit your interests and goals. Having involvements are a great way to meet new people and get some valuable work experience in your field. Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there!
What is one fun fact about yourself?
I’m a huge fan of second-hand apparel, and I usually thrift all of my clothing.