School of Physical Sciences
Eli Griffiths
Major(s): Mathematics
Minor(s): Information & Computer Science
Hometown: Salt Lake City, UT
* CALPIRG UCI (2022-2023)
* Tutoring/Teaching (2022-2024)
* Gigging with bands and digital art 🙂
Why do you love UCI?
I love UCI because it showed me that my education experience could be so much more than just taking math classes. I think it can be far too easy to end up isolated from other people, subjects, and opportunities as a student. UCI has been a place where I have had constant encouragement to explore other subjects, something which actually deepened my understanding of math and let me meet incredible people that I may have never known had I strictly stuck to my own beliefs about who I was a student. I went from a math focused only student to someone who has a deep love for the social sciences, computer programming, and math education along with a fantastic group of friends. That is why I love UCI.
How can you be a successful Anteater?
Key to being a successful Anteater is to always poise yourself to take on opportunities. Always seeking out new things to explore and new experiences is important, but it is equally important that you are willing and ready to take on something that presents itself in the moment. Some of the experiences that I cherish the most and have contributed greatly to my experience as an Anteater and as an individual were ones I was not prepared for but decided to take on when presented.
What is one fun fact about yourself?
A fun fact about me is that I have a deep love for barbershop and actually used to be a competitive barbershop singer 💈. You could play me a 5 second audio clip from any BHS quartet champion since 1980 and I can guarantee you that I could name who it is, when they won, and at least half of the members’ names. R.I.P. SPEBSQSA you will be missed.