School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Meet the Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Peers and learn about the latest research discoveries in treatments and medications. Interested in advancing to the PharmD? The Pharmacy Peers will know just how to help and give you great tips to achieve your dream!

Anna Popa

★ Lead Peer Academic Advisor

Major(s): Pharmaceutical Sciences

Hometown: Riverside, CA

* Learning Assistant (2022-Present)
* Undergraduate Research (2023-Present)
* Always striving to go to UCI events (games, concerts, ZotTalks, etc.)

Why do you love UCI?

I love UCI because we are different from every other school in California in hundreds of different ways. We have majors no other UC has, we have altered policies that make life easier for students, the resources on campus rival other schools, and our PAA program is truly one of a kind. I have been a student at UCI for 4 years now, and I still find new things that UCI does that other schools don’t (usually for the better). College is challenging no matter where you go — that’s a fact — however, UCI does so much to try and make it a better experience in areas that it can. It’s one thing I love about this school.

How can you be a successful Anteater?

Work/life balance. Burnout is a very real and very detrimental thing when it comes to college education. Take it from someone who’s trying to do it all, you need the rest just as much if not more than you need that extra hour of studying. You need the fun just as much as the hours in the library. One thing that helped me balance out my life was surrounding myself with friends of a similar goal and mindset who will carry you when it gets hard and will get you out of your books when they see you need a break.

What is one fun fact about yourself?

A fun fact about myself is that I love learning languages in my free time. I am currently learning my 4th and 5th languages simultaneously.