Henry Samueli School of Engineering

Meet the Henry Samueli School of Engineering peers and learn about the different majors and opportunities offered for YOU! Ask the peers about what you can do as an Engineer major and find out how you can create the next building, come up with the latest technological discovery, and much more!

Abaigh Macdonald

★ Lead Peer Academic Advisor

Major(s): Chemical Engineering

Hometown: Lake Geneva, WI

* Chem-E-Car(2022-2024)
* Undergraduate Research in Protein Engineering (2023-2024)
* Yoga and Beach Lover!

Why do you love UCI?

I love UCI because it fosters a unique student body consisting of helpful and encouraging, yet competitive peers that have really pushed me to excel outside of the classroom and to follow my ambitions.

How can you be a successful Anteater?

To be a successful Anteater, you definitely need to find your group that truly cares about your well-being. This can be done by putting yourself out there, saying yes to as much as you can as a freshman or by networking as soon as you start your academic journey at UCI. Do not be afraid to try new things and try not to compare yourself to others because we are all on our individual educational journeys. Making connections with peers, professors, alumni, and guest speakers at UCI will really help you find the path you want to go down after college and make things easier during your time here. Follow what you truly like not what you think you should enjoy.

What is one fun fact about yourself?

A fun fact about me is that my favorite artist is the Weeknd.