Sydney Nguyen

Major(s): Biological Sciences

Hometown: Westminster, CA

* Bio 2A Discussion Leader at UCI (2022-present)
* Brain Motor Control Lab at UCI Medical School (2022-present)
* SPOP at UCI (2023-present)

Why do you love UCI?

Both the campus and the community here are great! As a first generation college student, I am so glad that the vast majority of people here want to help each other thrive. I also love that we are located so close to so many good restaurants and places we can explore!

How can you be a successful Anteater?

The best piece of advice I’d have is keeping an open mind and putting yourself out there. It may sound cliché, but there really is something here for everyone, and it’s up to us to find it and make the most of our college experience! Go to the club meeting that interests you, apply for the position you want even if you don’t know if you’ll get it, and most importantly don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it.

What is one fun fact about yourself?

A fun fact about me is that I learned how to crochet this year! I even made my sister a jumbo Peter when she got into UCI.