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Rohan Sharma

Peer Academic Advisor

School of Physical Sciences


Environmental Science and Policy


West Hills, CA


Operations Team Member at UCI FRESH Basic Needs Hub (2021-)

Subcommittee Member for Orange Country Environmental Justice (2021)

Avid rap enthusiast

Personal Biography

Why do you love UCI?

I love UCI because of its diverse population, both academically and socially. I’ve encountered so many people from all backgrounds who not only motivated me but have given me useful advice and information. Several campus groups are available for each student’s interests, hobbies, or identity. Being on an inclusive and welcoming campus has been critical in fostering my learning and experience.

How can you be a successful Anteater?

The definition of a successful Anteater is different for each student. Each Anteater has their own distinct path and goals, so identifying one’s desires, and planning accordingly is vital in becoming successful. However, understand that achieving your dreams is not easy and requires hard work. Therefore, valuing the virtue of patience and appreciating the grind is essential for success in any endeavor.

What is one fun fact about yourself?

I have never eaten sushi or a hamburger in my life. I haven’t eaten any type of seafood and only eat chicken for meat. I am a very picky eater and love to eat things plain and simple, for example, no toppings on pizza, no sauce on pasta, no condiments, etc.