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Olivia Romero

Peer Academic Advisor

School of Social Sciences


Psychology B.A.


Garden Grove, CA


Peer Consultant at the Social Sciences Academic Resource Center (SSARC) (2021-2022)

Peer Educator at the Student Outreach and Retention (SOAR) Center and at Student Success Initiatives (2021-2022)

Social Chair of Psychology Student Association (PSA) (2021-2022)

Personal Biography

Why do you love UCI?

I love the campus climate of UCI and the professional staff I have met along the way throughout my journey here. I was able to meet great mentors who have supported me through my transition. Coming into UCI as a first year, first generation student, I felt out of place. Talking with my mentors, I was exposed to wonderful opportunities that have supported my transition and made me the student I am today!

How can you be a successful Anteater?

Taking advantage of all the opportunities and resources here at UCI while you can is what makes a successful Anteater! Being willing to learn and apply yourself to new things that will only help you as a student and for your future endeavors. Once you are exposed to new opportunities, then being open to sharing your own knowledge and advice to others who were once in your position is a good representation of a helpful Anteater as well!

What is one fun fact about yourself?

A fun fact about myself is that I love coffee! I can drink 2-4 cups of coffee a day and still not feel anything! I think I enjoy more the taste of it now and think it’ll help me stay up, but it doesn’t!