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Ashley Rojas Jimenez

Peer Academic Advisor

School of Humanities


Chinese Studies


Los Angeles, CA


* Student Assistant at the Cross-Cultural Center (2021-2022)

* MEChA Internal/External Chair (2021-2023)

* Love watching musicals in my free time

Personal Biography

Why do you love UCI?

I initially fell in love with UCI’s campus because of the unique circular shape that has a beautiful park in the center of it. Once I started attending UCI, I appreciated how diverse the campus population was because knowing there were many other Latine students on campus made me feel more at home. Not only did I get to meet amazing people that share similar experiences as mine, but I also got to meet many new people and learn from their own unique experiences.

How can you be a successful Anteater?

One of the simplest things you can do to be a successful Anteater is to ask questions. Asking questions will ensure you are directed to the people and resources that you may need. Whether it be questions about a class you are taking, where to get free blue books, or how to find an internship, asking questions is the best way to get the help and answers you need.

What is one fun fact about yourself?

Coming from a big family, being the oldest sibling and the oldest cousin, I enjoy cooking for other people and making them happy through food. As much as I love cooking for others, I also love trying new foods too! This way, if I find something I enjoy, I can share it with others as well.