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Evelyn Delgado

Peer Academic Advisor



Criminology Law and Society


Vista, CA


#1 Hermanas Unidas de UCI (2020 – Present)

#2 Restorative Justice Intern at Law firm of Higbee & Associates (2021)

Personal Biography

Why do you love UCI?

UCI was my dream school and I was so excited to attend! I fell in love with the nature and environment the school provides. I have met great professors and students through my classes and organizations. The campus offers a lot of opportunities for majors or interests, it has helped me slowly figure out what I want to do in the future. UCI has become a second home to me and I am glad it has been part of a journey in my education and as a person.

How can you be a successful Anteater?

To be a successful Anteater, you need to challenge yourself. Don’t be afraid to try new things and step out of your comfort zone. Join that new club, make new friends, enjoy your time here!! It’s important to balance your academic and social life. Part of being a successful Anteater is taking advantage of the resources UCI offers. Attend your professor or TA’s office hours, they will help you with your undergraduate education. It’s okay to make some mistakes, it’s what helps us grow as a student and continue learning about ourselves.

What is one fun fact about yourself?

A fun fact about myself is that I really enjoy cooking and baking! I am always open to trying new recipes and new foods from different cultures.