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Sugeily Angulo-Limon

Peer Academic Advisor

School of Social Sciences


Business Economics; Business Information Management


El Monte, CA


* Morgan Stanley Wealth Management Internship (2023-present)
* Baking Enthusiast 
* Avid Book Reader

Personal Biography

Why do you love UCI?

I love how UCI is a diverse community that provides a welcoming environment for every student. There is always a group of people or clubs who have similar backgrounds or likings as you. Also, UCI provides a substantial amount of opportunities to mold you into a responsible, educated, ambitious, and outgoing person ready to take on the world. UCI’s ability to combine academic success and a positive social atmosphere allows for an incredible academic journey.

How can you be a successful Anteater?

Accepting the idea that college is going to be an extremely difficult, stressful, and time-consuming process was pivotal for me. I learned early on at UCI that I have to hold myself responsible for my academic success.
Creating a studying schedule as well as arranging all my assignments in a planner allows me to stay organized and prepared.

Besides studying, it is important to take a break every once in a while and hang out with friends/family, or just have a self-care day. Getting good grades is important, but living life and creating unforgettable memories during college will create an overall better college experience.

Find a school-life balance that works for you based on your goals and implement a feasible schedule. Also, never compare yourself to others because everyone learns differently and has different goals in life. College is such a small part of our life journey, so enjoy it while it’s happening!

What is one fun fact about yourself?

I have watched Gilmore Girls fully through about 12 times! My favorite characters are Sookie, Emily, Kirk, and Paris. I know this causes a lot of controversies, but I am on Team Logan!