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Mia Dimalanta

Peer Academic Advisor

School of Biological Sciences


Human Biology


Walnut, CA


* ASUCI (2020 – Present)
* LA for Bio Sci 93L/94L (2023-present)
* Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) Fellow (2023)

Personal Biography

Why do you love UCI?

I love UCI because of the community I am surrounded by! I am very grateful for the support and encouragement I’ve received from the UCI faculty as well as my peers.

How can you be a successful Anteater?

Utilize resources and opportunities that are offered! UCI has so much to offer that there is something for everyone. Take the time for yourself and find your place on campus:)

What is one fun fact about yourself?

A fun fact about me is that I LOVE most of the Studio Ghibli films!