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Khai-Linh Pho

Peer Academic Advisor

Campuswide Honors Collegium


Criminology, Law, and Society; Psychological Science


Long Beach, CA


* Research Assistant for the EVOCS Lab (2022 – Present)
* Representative for the CHC Student Council (2021 – Present)
* Member of the Level V Origins dance club (2022 – Present)

Personal Biography

Why do you love UCI?

I love UCI because of the environment, and how connected it is. Ring Road is a good example of this, where just by walking through the circle I often spot people I don’t expect to see, or become familiar with faces passing by. As someone with various interests, I enjoy how many classes are interdisciplinary and suddenly there’s philosophy in my criminology class and I’ve learned something I hadn’t thought to be interested in before. As someone with various hobbies, I’ve met a variety of people through clubs and classes, all with their own unique perspectives that make me try something new, reconsider my own ideas, or better understand the reasoning for my thinking. I always feel like there’s more to learn and discuss, and endless amounts of people who would be willing to help.

How can you be a successful Anteater?

A way to be a successful Anteater is to plan for the future while keeping in mind the present. Plan for a career you want, clubs you’re interested in, and classes you want to take, but also realize the present moment is important. Do the current work instead of stressing about the far-off future, and enjoy moments with friends without overthinking a past assignment. You can power walk to class while still enjoying a nice breeze, and you can be involved in non-career-related extracurriculars while slowly creating the path to a job you want. A work-life balance is always important!

What is one fun fact about yourself?

I love aesthetics! Art, photography, and writing are always fun, and it’s enjoyable to take a walk in Aldrich and see what new flowers have bloomed or how the moon looks that night. Fashion is sometimes the easiest way to explore aesthetics, though, and while I do have a main style, it’s fun to switch up the vibes and go from athleisure one day to preppy another day.